Carsten Schade Larsen
Rejsemedicinsk ekspert Dr. Carsten Schade Larsen
Vores cheflæge, klinisk lektor., dr. med. Carsten Schade Larsen, har mere end 30 års erfaring med rejserådgivning og vaccination.
Han er uddannet speciallæge i infektionsmedicin og har en international eksamen i Travel Health fra ISTM (International Society of Travel Medicine), hvor han også er blevet valgt som FISTM (Fellow of the ISTM). Carsten er til daglig overlæge på infektionsmedicinsk afdeling på Aarhus Universitetshospital. Derudover er han site-director på GeoSentinel Center, Aarhus, et internationalt netværk, der overvåger infektionssygdomme hos rejsende.
Han er desuden formand for Dansk Selskab for Rejsemedicin (DSRM) og repræsentant for udvalget, når de nationale anbefalinger for malariaforebyggelse og vaccination i forbindelse med udlandsophold skrives. Derudover er han medlem af Faculty of Travel Medicine Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow samt har han Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (DTMH), Certificate in Travel Health (CTH®) og Gorgas Advanced Course in Tropical Medicine (Lima, Peru).
Dr. med. Carsten Schade Larsen deltager løbende ved konferencer samt får nye meritter og diplomer, som du kan finde på hans Orcid-profil.
- Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases (TMAID)
- New Microbes and New Infections (NMNI)
- Fellow of NECTM – Northern European Committee of Travel Medicine
- Chair of NECTM9 Local Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee (Copenhagen, May 22-24 2024)
- FISTM 2023 – Anerkendt af ISTM for sin professionelle klinisk praksis, forskning og undervisning indenfor rejsemedicin
- Journal of Travel Medicine (JTM)
- Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases (TMAID)
- Gerstoft J, Andersen ÅB, Benfield T, Larsen CS, Lundgren JD: Kapitel 39 Infektionssygdomme. Medicinsk Kompendium 19. udgave 2019, redigeret af Ove B. Schaffalitzky de Muckadell, Jesper Hastrup Svendes og Hendrik Vilstrup.
Lassen MCH, Johansen ND, Modin D, Nealon J, Samson S, Dufournet M, Loiacono MM, Larsen CS, Jensen AMR, Landler NE, Clagget BL, Solomon SD, Landray MJ, Gislason GH, Køber L, Jensen JUS, Sivapalan P, Vestergaard LS, Krause TG, Biering-Sørensen T: Effects of high-dose versus standard-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine among patients with diabetes: A post-hoc analysis of the DANFLU-1 trial 2024 May; 26: 5
Johansen ND, Vaduganathan M, Bhatt AS, Modin D, Chatur S, Claggett BL, Janstrup KH, Larsen CS, Larsen L, Wiese L, Dalager-Pedersen M, Køber L, Solomon SD, Sivapalan P, Jensen JUS, Martel CJM, Krause TG, Biering-Sørensen T: Rationale and design of NUDGE-FLU-CHONIC and NUDGE-FLU-2: Two nationwide randomized trials of electronic nudges to increase influenza vaccination among patients with chronic diseases and older adults during the 2023/2024 influenza season 2024 Jun; 272
Lichscheidt ED, Harboe ZB, Fischer TK, Larsen CS: Vacciner mod respiratorisk syncytialvirus 2024 Mar; 186
- Eriksen DO, Pape M, Petersen LK, Larsen CS, Møller BK, Hammer A: HPV-vaccination til immunsupprimerede kvinder 2023 Jul; 185
- Larsen CS, Helleberg M: Vaccination mod herpes zoster. Ugeskrift for Læger 2021 Nov 22;183(47):V07210585.
- Birck AM, Christensen LN, Pedersen MH, Olsen J, Johnson KD, Bencina G, Clausen TH, Larsen CS: Health Economic Evaluation of Introducing a PPSV23-based Vaccination Programme to adults aged 65 and above, and an extension to 60-64 age group in Denmark. Expert Review of Vaccines 2021; 10: 1327-1337.
Florescu SA, Larsen CS, Helleberg M, Marin A, Popescu CP, Schlagenhauf P: Upsurge in cases of travellers’ malaria ex Zanzibar indicates that malaria is on the rebound in the archipelago 2024 Mar; 57: 101226.
Angelo KM, Smith T, Camprubí-Ferrer D, Balerdi-Sarasola L, Menéndez MD, Servera-Negre G, Barkati S, Duvignaud A, Huber KLB, Chakravarti A, Bottieau E, Greenaway C, Grobusch MP, Pedro DM, Asgeirsson H, Popescu CP, Martin C, Licitra C, Frey AD, Schwartz E, Beadsworth M, Lloveras S, Larsen CS, Guagliardo SAJ, Whitehill F, Huits R, Hamer DH, Kozarsky P, Libman M: Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of patients with monkeypox in the GeoSentinel Network: a cross-sectional study 2023 Feb; 23: 2
Svensgaard SNH, Jokelainen P, Stensvold CR, Lausch KR, Højsgaard A, Keller JL, Nielsen HV, Larsen CS: Pulmonary cystic echinococcosis acquired during a short-term tourist travel 2023; 33: e01833
Larsen FD, Dalgaard LS, Villumsen S, Holmberg V, Asgeirsson H, Larsen CS: Travel demographics, patterns, and plans among adult Nordic travelers 2023 Jun; 7
Dam Larsen F, Larsen CS, Jespersen S: Outbreak of cutaneous larva migrans among Danish students at a high school on Zanzibar. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases 2021 May-Jun; 41: 102008.
- Dudouet P, Gautret P, Larsen CS, Díaz-Menéndez M, Trigo E, von Sonnenburg F, Gobbi F, Grobusch MP, Malvy D, Field V, Asgeirsson H, Souto IO, Hamer DH, Parola P, Javelle E: Chikungunya resurgence in the Maldives and risk for importation via tourists to Europe in 2019–2020: A GeoSentinel case series. Travel Medicine and Infectious Disease 2020 Jul-Aug; 36:101814
- Grobusch MP, Weld L, Goorhuis A, Hamer DH; Schunk M, Jordan S, Mockenhaupt FP, Chappuis F, Asgeirsson H, Caumes E, Jensenius M, van Genderen PJJ, Castelli F, López-Velez R, Field V, Botteieau E, Molina I, Rapp C, Ménendez MD, Gkrania-Klotsas E, Larsen CS, Lalloo D, Gobbi F, Florescu SA, Gautret P, Schlagenhauf P for EuroTravNet: Travel-related infections presenting in Europe – a 20-year analysis EuroTravNet surveillance data. The Lancet Regional Health – Europe 2020 Nov 12; 100001.
- Boggild AK, Caumes E, Grobusch MP, Schwartz E, Hynes NA, Libman M, Connor BA, Chakrabarti S, Parola P, Keystone JS, Nash T, Showler AJ, Schunk M, Asgeirsson H, Hamer DH, Kain KC, Larsen CS; GeoSentinel Surveillance Network: Cutaneous and mucocutaneous leishmaniasis in travellers and migrants: a 20-year GeoSentinel Surveillance Network analysis. J Travel Med. 2019 Dec 23;26(8). pii: taz055. doi: 10.1093/jtm/taz055.
- Gautret P, Angelo KM, Asgeirsson H, Larsen CS et al. for the Geosentinel Network. International mass gatherings and travel-associated illness: A geosentinel cross-sectional, observational study. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases 2019 Nov 9; 32: 101504.
- Schlagenhauf P, Grobush MP, Hamer DH, Asgeirsson H, Jensenius M, Eperon G, Rothe C, Isenring E, Fehr J, Schwartz E, Bottieau E, Barnett ED, McCarthy, Kelley P, Larsen CS, van Genderen P, Stau W, Libmann M, Gautret: Area of exposure and treatment challenges of malaria in Eritrean migrants: a GeoSentinel analysis. Malaria Journal 2018, 17, 443
- Dall LB, Lausch KR, Gedebjerg A, Fuursted K, Storgaard M, Larsen CS: Do probiotics prevent colonization with multiresistant Enterobacteriaceae during travel? A randomized controlled trial. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases 2019; 27, 81-86.
- Angelo KM, Libman M, Caumes E, Hamer DH, Kain KC, Leder K, Grobusch MP, Hagmann SH, Kozarsky P, Lalloo DG, Lim PL, Patimeteeporn C, Gautret P, Odolini S, Chappuis F, Esposito DH, Wejse C, Larsen CS: Malaria after international travel: A GeoSentinel analysis, 2003-2016. Malar J. 2017 Jul 20;16(1):293.
- Gautret P, Mockenhaupt F, Grobusch MP, Rothe C, von Sonneburg F, van Genderen PJJ, Chappuis F, Àsgeirsson H, Caumes E, Bottieau E, Malvy D, Lopez-Vélez R, Jensenius M, Larsen CS, Castelli F, Rapp C, Field V, Molina I, Gkrania-Klotas E, Simin F, Lalloo D, Schlagenhauf P: Arboviral and other illness in travellers returning from Brazil (June 2013-May 2016): a EuroTravNet analysis with implications for the 2016 Olympic Games. Eurosurveillance 2016 Jul 7; 21(27)
- Lausch KR, Fuursted K, Larsen CS, Storgaard M: Colonisation with multi-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in hospitalised Danish patients with a history of recent travel: a cross-sectional study. Travel Medicine and Infectious Diseases 2013; 11; 320-323.
- Nielsen US, Thomsen R, Cowan S, Larsen CS, Petersen E: Predictors of travel related hepatitis A and B: A Danish nationwide case-control study. J Infect. 2012; 64(4):399-408.
- Nielsen US, Petersen E & Larsen CS: Hepatitis B immunization coverage and risk behaviour among Danish travellers. Are immunization strategies based on single journey itineraries rational? Journal of Infection 2009; 59: 353-359.
- Nielsen US, Larsen CS, Howitz MF & Petersen E: Hepatitis A among Danish Travellers 1980-2007. Journal of Infection 2009; 58; 47-52.
- Jelinek T, Larsen CS, Siikamäki H, Myrvang B, Chiodini P, Gascon J, Kapaun A & Just-Nübling G: European cluster of imported falciparum malaria from Gambia. Eurosurveillance 2008; 13; 1-3.
Skrevet af rejsemedicinsk ekspert Dr. Carsten Schade Larsen
Redigeret d. 27-06-2024